The work of Karl Mechnig (°1959, Aalst)  does not offer ready-made answers; it challenges, surprises and amuses. Hola feels like a greeting, an invitation to view life through a different lens. Just as Mechnig himself describes his process as a search without a predetermined plan, he invites the viewer to look at his work without fixed expectations. The artist himself describes his practice as a balance between baroque refinement and pop art playfulness, in which he attaches great importance to his creative freedom. The work feels like a wink, an invitation to reflect on the power of words and images in a world full of visual stimuli. His working method is an ode to the power of the imagination. Hola is not just an exhibition; it is a dialogue, a moment of exchange between artist and audience. In the words of Mechnig himself: “Look. What do you see? And let us know.”